Inter Process Communication
There are multiple ways to handle inter-process communication between PhantomJS and other processes.
File I/O
- outgoing HTTP requests (to other processes/services)
- GET/POST data to a server endpoint
- GET/POST data to a server endpoint, parse resulting JSON/XML/HTML/etc.
- Create a XMLHttpRequest object and use it as you would in a normal web page
- Cross-domain requests are restricted by default (PhantomJS code is considered to be in file:// scope). Use Access-Control-Allow-Origin on your server to enable access.
- incoming HTTP requests (server). Use the WebServer module
- route PhantomJS traffic through an HTTPS proxy like mitmproxy/libmprox or fiddler
Websockets inside a WebPage context
- hixie-76 websockets only
- PhantomJS 2.x will eventually get a WebKit upgrade that has RFC 6455 websockets.
stdin, stdout, and stderr
See the stdin-stdout-stderr.js example script for details.